3 Ways to Support Your Fertility this Fall
Support your fertility with these fall habits
Fall is officially here. School is in full swing and the Fall Equinox coming up, we’re officially entering the new season and the dark half of the year when nights are longer than the days.
The changing seasons are always a time for me to check in with my body, adjust my routines, and remember that my body is a cyclical being, just like nature.
Because nature is constantly flowing, we always know that spring will come again, even as we enter the dark season and move toward winter.
But sometimes, we forget to apply this rule to ourselves and our bodies as well. Our bodies, too, cycle and go through phases of spring and phases of fall.
It’s important to keep this in mind when we’re on a fertility journey, because while it feels like our fertility is a permanent state of being, it’s often in flux.
Our hormones and fertility shift and change month to month, and while it may be challenging to conceive right now, that doesn’t mean you’ll never conceive. Perhaps your body is in a fall or winter phase of resting and storing up energy. Then when she’s ready, your body will bloom again and be ready to conceive.
So as we enter fall, it’s a good time to think about supporting and nourishing your body and storing up energy.
Here are 3 ways to nourish your fertility this fall:
1. Keep warm
As the weather cools down it’s important to stay warm. Keep a scarf handy to protect your neck and head, and wear those cozy socks. In Chinese Medicine, keeping your feet warm is important for a warm happy womb.
2. Eat nourishing fall foods
Start to shift your eating habits to incorporate more warm, cooked, fall foods like butternut squash, carrots, and pumpkin. Add warming spices like cinnamon, cumin and ginger to your food to support your digestive system through the seasonal changes. Eating seasonally supports our bodies and helps us stay connected to the earth rhythms.
3. Slow down
Start to slow down your routines and pare back on your busyness if you can. Obviously we still have to work and function, so it’s not all naps on the couch. But finding small ways to move slower in the mornings before work, or taking more time to wind down before bed can help our bodies settle into this slower, hibernating part of the year.
Fertility is obviously a very complex and multi-faceted process, but I’ve found that when we can lean into seasonal rhythms it helps our bodies feel nourished and supported. Plus, it reminds us that we, too, are in flow and constantly changing. Just like our fertility.
Happy equinox!
Hi! I'm Kate.
Fertility coach, period pro, & hormone healer. Creator of the Holistic Fertility Coach Training program. Helping you navigate your fertility journey. Read my story here