4 Ways to Support Your Egg Health this Earth Day
Your egg health is linked to your environment–and the earth itself. Here are ways to support both:
Earth Day is a reminder that we are all connected–and so is our fertility. And that’s why I consider eco-friendly swaps to be one of the pillars of hormone health and balance.
Because eco friendly = fertility friendly.
More and more research is showing all the ways toxins and chemicals in our environment have a huge impact on our egg health. And the more we’re exposed to them, the harder it is for our bodies to keep up with detoxing them from our systems.
All those chemicals and pollution we are releasing into the air and the oceans isn’t just staying there–it ends up in our drinking water, in the soil our food grows in, our bodies, and our babies.
A 2009 study by the EWG showed over 200 toxic chemicals and pollutants in the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies.
The harm we’re doing to the planet is affecting our fertility, our egg health, and our babies.
That’s why making eco-friendly changes in your life is one of the best ways to support your egg health–and your future baby.
So here are some simple changes you can make to support your egg health and the Earth:
1. Use a stainless or glass water bottle and ditch the plastic bottles.
Fertility bonus: no BPA or other chemicals found in plastics will be messing with your hormones, plus you’ll be keeping all those petrochemicals out of landfills.
2. Switch to eco-friendly makeup and skincare products.
Two of my favorite brands are Vapour Beauty and Primally Pure. Vapour is committed to ingredient purity that won’t mess with your hormones AND sustainability when it comes to their manufacturing and packaging. They even have a recycling program for empty makeup containers.
Primally Pure uses organic and locally sourced ingredients that are safe for your skin and fertility and good for the environment.
3. Think reusables:
+ Get some reusable silverware to keep in your purse for times when plastic utensils are the only option. I have a bamboo set that’s super small and lightweight and great for travel or quick-dining options.
+Invest in reusable silicone “baggies” like these and ditch the Ziplocks. They’re super sturdy and work great for snacks.
+ Use cloth rags instead of paper towels. Old PJs, sheets, towels, and t shirts work great. Just cut them up and use them to soak up spills. Then just throw them in the wash with your laundry and you’re set.
+ Get a reusable coffee cup. Do you know how many paper cups Americans throw away every year? 50 BILLION! Yes, billion. That’s so many cups. Get a reuasbale mug and bring it with you. I have a stainless one is super nice and keeps my drink hot longer than paper would. Bonus–stainless keeps cold things cold too.
4. Buy organic produce and meat as much as possible.
Not only are you limiting your body’s chemical exposure from pesticides, but in choosing organic you’re also increasing demand for it, which means more and more farmers will cut back on the toxins we’re adding to the earth.
These are just a few examples of ways your daily actions can have an impact on the earth and support your fertility.
I challenge you to start seeing opportunities to be more fertility and eco-friendly.
Being eco friendly is fertility friendly–you are having an impact on all of our fertility, and our future children’s fertility as well.
Wishing you a happy Earth Day!
Hi! I'm Kate.
Fertility coach, period pro, & hormone healer. Creator of the Holistic Fertility Coach Training program. Helping you navigate your fertility journey. Read my story here