hearts, valentines dayHappy Valentine’s Day!

Today is a day filled with hearts, pink stuff, and chocolate.  What’s not to like, even if you don’t have a special someone?

YOU are a special someone, so treat yourself this Valentine’s Day!  Have a self-date and give yourself a little you time.

We spend a lot of time and money (an estimated $18.6 billion dollars this year!) telling other people in our lives that we love them– whether it’s your sweetie, family, or a close friend.

But what about ourselves?

You don’t have to swipe that credit card to show yourself some love; it can be cheap and simple.  But it involves time, which can be a much more difficult things to give ourselves than a box of candy hearts.

Simply taking time to connect with yourself, however, even if it sounds silly, is super important.

True love starts with yourself– if you don’t love yourself, or know what you want or need, how can anyone else?

I know a lot of us are “do-ers” and like to always have purpose and action in our lives, but sometimes it’s good to just plop down on the couch and sit.  No TV, no books, no phone– just you and your thoughts.  Scary, right?

We often fear being alone with ourselves, and drown out our thoughts with the TV or radio. But all that constant noise can drown out the important messages we are trying to deliver to ourselves.

So try and show yourself a little love this Valentine’s Day.  You might be surprised at how relaxed and clear you feel afterwards.

If you’ve got V-day plans already, find another evening this week to spend by yourself.   Take time to cook a nice meal (without the microwave), bake some of these easy peanut butter cookies (recipe below), maybe write in a journal, go for a walk, or take a bath.  Give yourself a pedicure!  Whatever you do, take your time.  None of this paint-your-nails-as-you-get-dressed-and-run-out-the-door stuff.  Really make time for yourself and clear out all those other distractions: turn off the TV, leave your smart phone in the other room, and just BE.

Nourish and love yourself.

It’s the best present you can give OR get this Valentine’s Day!

Much love to you!

xo Kate

If you need a sweet treat this Valentine’s Day, try this yummy cookie recipe–gluten free, vegan, peanut butter cookies (with or without a kiss on top).

cookies, hearts, valentines day, peanut butter, gluten free, vegan

These cookies are super easy to make, and only use four ingredients!

1 cup sugar (or 1/2 cup raw stevia, 1/2 cup sugar)
1 cup natural peanut butter
1/4 cup applesauce
1 tsp. vanilla
(Optional: Chocolate candies)

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

2.Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix.

3. Scoop out small spoonfuls and roll into balls.  Place on cookie sheet and bake 10-12 minutes.

cookies, vegan, gluten free, hearts, valentines day4. When cookies come out of the oven, you can lightly press a chocolate kiss, or other candy in the center of each cookie, if you choose. (Disclaimer: most chocolate candies are not vegan- if this is important to you, be sure to check the ingredients first).





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