How to handle the holidays when you’re trying to conceive

How to handle the holidays when you’re trying to conceive

Infertility and the holidays can be a challening combination. It's the best of times and the worst of times: The holidays. A week filled with family, friends, and food. Often too much of some of these things...  It can be stressful. But especially if you're trying to...

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5 fertility facts you didn’t learn in health class

5 fertility facts you didn’t learn in health class

For many women trying to conceive, there's a pretty steep learning curve when it comes to your hormones and fertility.  It’s no secret that most of our sex-ed curricula was woefully incomplete and lacking in useful information.  If your sex ed class was anything like...

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How to find gratitude during difficult times

How to find gratitude during difficult times

With Thanksgiving coming up this week, it's the season for gratitude. But how do you find gratitude when the one thing you really want has been so elusive? I know trying to conceive can be an all-encompassing emotional experience. And when you're feeling down or...

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Weight + Fertility: How much does BMI matter?

Weight + Fertility: How much does BMI matter?

Let’s talk about weight and fertility.   There’s been a bit of a social media storm this week after the NYTimes published a piece on fertility clinics who refuse to work with women over a specific BMI (read "When You're Told You're too Fat to Get Pregant" here)....

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5 Ways to Make Your Home More Fertility-Friendly

5 Ways to Make Your Home More Fertility-Friendly

Detox your home for fertility-friendly living   When it comes to your egg health and your fertility, your exposure to toxins can make a huge difference. A lot of chemicals are endocrine disruptors which means they mess with your hormones, plus they can affect egg...

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How Meditation Supports your Fertility

How Meditation Supports your Fertility

May is National Meditation month, so I'm bringing you a 2-part series about meditation!   First off, let’s talk about how meditation can support your fertility. I know for many of you, meditation seems a little out of reach. And trust me, as a yoga teacher, I’ve heard...

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Your Mother’s Day Survival Guide When TTC

Your Mother’s Day Survival Guide When TTC

Here's my Mother's Day survival guide for managing the barrage of emails, marketing, and happy family photos when you're TTC. Mother’s Day is coming up this weekend, and if you’ve been trying to conceive for a while, I know it can be a challenging day. Let’s be...

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How do you know when it’s time to try IVF?

How do you know when it’s time to try IVF?

What to think about before moving on to IVF One question I get asked a lot is “how do I know when it’s time to try IVF?”   This can be a tough question to answer because it’s a very personal choice and it’s going to be different for every couple.   It’s a...

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Map your way to success in 2019

Map your way to success in 2019

Now that the holidays are (just barely!) over, it’s time to look toward the new year, and spend some time imagining, dreaming, and setting goals + intentions for 2019. I’ll be honest: I've set a lot of intentions over the years that I did not even come close to...

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How to support your IVF journey

How to support your IVF journey

[This post is featured on] I'm guest-posting today on my friend Dr. Greene's blog Dr. Greene is a fertility doctor in Denver who shares my passion of helping couples cultivate a fertility-enhancing lifestyle to increase...

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Practice fertility yoga with me online!

Practice fertility yoga with me online!

PRACTICE FERTILITY YOGA WITH ME HERE>> I'm super excited to reveal the details of the project I've been working on for the last few months! I collaborated with Yoga Studio App to create a series of Fertility Yoga classes that you can practice from anywhere! I...

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Hi! I'm Kate.

Fertility coach, period pro, & hormone healer. Creator of the Holistic Fertility Coach Training program. Helping you navigate your fertility journey. Read my story here



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