How to Practice Fertility Self Care this Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day isn’t all about romantic love…
It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and I know there are V-day haters out there. But if I’m really honest, I’m still an 8-year old girl on the inside who loves holidays that involve pink, hearts, and candy. 🤷🏼♀️
Wherever you are on the love-hate spectrum of Valentine’s Day, it’s a great time to check in with your relationship to self-care and self-love.
Because our most important relationship is with ourselves.
And many of us don’t prioritize our own needs, or taking time to really care for and nourish ourselves.
But self-care is especially important when you’re trying to conceive, because our ability to create new life depends on our ability to create a healthy, nurturing space for baby to grow.
And that starts with nurturing and nourishing ourselves.
I know society tells us (especially as women!) that it’s selfish to put our own needs first, but honestly, that’s just not true. Your cup needs to be filled before you can fill up others.
Taking care of yourself is an act of self-love:
- Eating well to balance your hormones.
- Going to sleep earlier because you deserve to feel rested in the morning.
- Spending time relaxing because you deserve to pause and rest.
- Honoring your rhythms and cycles because working WITH your body is a lot easier than working against it.
All these things are showing yourself love–that you’re worthy of caring for yourself.
Self-care doesn’t have to be a full day at the spa (although it can!). Small, simple, daily acts of caring for yourself and your needs count, too.
So show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day. Ask yourself what you need this week, and take some time to decide what would make you feel nourished, spacious, and loved.
THEN SCHEDULE IT IN—just like anything else on your to-do list. If it’s not scheduled, we all know what happens. Prioritize it–because you are worhty of being a priority in your own life.
Maybe you take time for a bath before bed to unwind. Eat nourishing food. Schedule in a yoga class one night a week, or a date with a girlfriend, or a walk. Take time on Saturday morning to just read a book–for fun!
Ask yourself what you need.
Self-love and self-care should feel nourishing and should fill you up–so you have more to give to others. But all that love starts with you.
And if your brand of self-care is getting some support, maybe you book yourself a Fertility Focus Session for a little Valentine’s Day present 😉 Because every woman deserves to enjoy easy periods, balanced hormones, and feel connected with her body and fertility.
Here’s to loving yourself this Valentine’s Day!
Hi! I'm Kate.
Fertility coach, period pro, & hormone healer. Creator of the Holistic Fertility Coach Training program. Helping you navigate your fertility journey. Read my story here