The Best Natural Deodorant (That’s Fertility-Friendly Too!)
Support your hormones and fertility by switching to a clean deodorant.
A lot of women have concerns about switching to a natural deodorant–“will it work?” “I’m so sweaty!” But let me tell you it’s easier than you think, and I’ve done the testing and found the best natural deodorant.
Because of the new report this week that 52% of tested cosmetics contain PFAS–a type of forever chemical that stays in your body–I thought it was a good time to talk again about cleaning up your personal care items.
The thing is, what we put on our bodies is just as important as what we put in them, because our skin absorbs everything–from makeup to lotion to our deodorant.
And a lot of these toxins and chemicals in our personal care products are what is known as endocrine disrupters, meaning they mess with our hormones. Not what we want at any time in life, but especially when trying to conceive.
One of the biggest and easiest swaps you can make is to a natural deodorant.
This is because deodorant is something we use daily, and we put it in a sensitive area near lymph nodes under our armpits. Many conventional deodorants contain things like aluminum, paragons, and phthalates among other toxic ingredients that can disrupt our hormones and require our body’s natural detox systems to work harder.
Natural and safe deodorants used to be hard to come by, but thankfully it’s now super easy to make the swap!
I’ve tested out quite a few clean deodorants, and I’ve found what I consider the best natural deodorant (And yes, I’m a 10/10 on the sweaty scale!)
My favorite clean deodorant (that I’ve been using for years!) is Primally Pure. It goes on smooth, doesn’t irritate my skin and actually keeps me smelling just fine all day.
I’ve partnered with Primally Pure to offer you a discount: Shop here and use code “KP10”.
I can’t reiterate enough that detoxing your personal care and household products is a key element to getting your hormones and fertility in order.
Check out these blog posts for more:
If your body’s overburdened by environmental toxins, it interferes with other important body functions, like reproduction. Don’t get overwhelmed, though–I always recommend swapping out one product at a time.
So start with your deodorant and take advantage of my discount by trying out Primally Pure deodorant 🙂
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Hi! I'm Kate.
Fertility coach, period pro, & hormone healer. Creator of the Holistic Fertility Coach Training program. Helping you navigate your fertility journey. Read my story here